HárTékk Privacy policy

In accordance with the law, we want to inform you about how we use your data. Below is a more detailed description of this. Do not hesitate to contact our staff if you have any questions.

This privacy policy describes how personal information is collected, used and shared when you use the site or make a purchase at www.hartekk.is (“Site”).



When you visit the site, we automatically collect certain information about your device, such as your browser, IP address, time zone and some of the cookies on your device. In addition, we collect information about which subpages you view on the Site, which websites directed you to the Site, and which actions you perform on the Site. We call this automatically collected information “Device Information.”

 In addition, we collect certain information when you make a purchase or have a purchase process on the site, such as name, address, address and phone number. We call this information “Order Information”. The payment process and data/information about it is on Borgun by SaltPay.

When we talk about “Personal Information” in this privacy policy, we mean device information and order information.



We generally use order information we collect to process orders placed through the Site. We also use this order information to:

Contact you;

Screen our orders for potential risk or fraud; and

When consistent with your preferences, provide you with information or advertise to you our products or services.

We use the device information we collect to screen for security threats and fraud (in particular, your IP address) and generally to improve the Site (for example, by looking at statistics about how users use the Site and to evaluate the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns). We also use device information to create targeted advertising (also known as “remarketing”) to existing customers and people visiting the site for the first time.



We share your personal information with third parties in order to use the personal information as described above. For example, we use Woocommerce to power our online store and thus collect and process your order information. – You can read more about how Woocommerce uses your personal information at https://woocommerce.com/.  

We may also use personal information from you to comply with laws and regulations, to respond to subpoenas, search warrants or other legal requests for information received by us, or to otherwise protect our rights.


As described above, we use your personal information to target advertisements to you and to personalize messages that we believe may be of interest to you.

You can opt-out of targeted advertising by visiting any of the following sites: FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/settings/?tab=ads GOOGLE – https://www.google.com/settings/ads/anonymous

MARKETING CLOUD – https://cl.s11.exct.net/profile_center.aspx?me=fe3315717564047a7c1274&p=true

You may also opt out of some of these services by visiting the Digital Advertising Alliance opt-out page at: http://optout.aboutads.info/.


Note that we do not change the site’s data collection and usage features when we see a Do Not Track message from your browser.


If you live in Europe, you have the right to access the personal data we hold about you and to request that your personal data be corrected, updated or deleted. If you wish to exercise this right, please contact us using the contact details below.

If you are resident in Europe, we would also like to point out that we process your information in order to enforce agreements we may have made with you (eg if you have ordered through the site) or to protect our legitimate business interests as mentioned from above.  


When you order through the Site, we retain your order information unless you ask us to delete it.


We may update this privacy policy from time to time, for example due to changes in our practices or for other operational or legal reasons.


For more information about our privacy practices, if you have questions or complaints, please contact us by email at hartekk@hartekk.is.

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